What's New at IUEC 31
Download:IUEC Save The Date Company Picnic .pdf
Download:27th Annual IUEC Local 31 Fishing Tournament Registration and Liability Form.pdf
Memberships in Union Sportsmens Alliance are now available to all IUEC members at no cost. "The Union Sportsmens Alliance is a Brotherhood of the Great Outdoors. We're a Union-dedicated outdoor organization whose members hunt, fish, shoot and volunteer their skills for conservation. We share an appreciation for the outdoors that runs deep. And we invite you to join us and help preserve the hunting and fishing heritage we all enjoy." IUEC members can join online at www.jointheUSA.com, by phone at 877-872-2211, or by mail. Stop by the Hall for a mail in application.
As requested, downloadable Zone maps have been added to the Member Resources area. A and B zones have been divided into north and south zones for clarity. We have also added a downloadable map of our Jurisdiction. This has been divided into 7 maps for clarity. Let us know what you think of these new additions. As always, give us your suggestions to make our site better for our members.